Office of Academic Support & Counseling

Where To Study

You can study anywhere. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting.  Distractions can build up, and the first thing you know, you're out of time and can easily feel overwhelmed. Obviously, some places are better than others for studying.  Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are usually best because they have diminished distractions.  

Remember that due to the rich course content and  the required memorization, it is normal to lose sight of any vision you had of becoming a physician. As a result, you can easily become distracted. Expect that at times you will have to consciously remind yourself of  the vision you have of becoming a physician to help fuel you forward in your study.  The place you study should not be a place that invites distractions.  Make choosing a good study environment a part of your study routine.