About Us

Members of the GLBC have diverse expertise and share a common vision: to develop novel microscopy techniques, reagents and methods that help answer fundamental biological questions and lead to better diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. The Center is composed of three closely collaborating entities: individual research groups led by independent primary investigators, who conduct biological research using photonics based assays; the Innovation Laboratory, which builds novel photonics based assays; and the Analytical Imaging Facility, which provides access to and expertise in commercially available microscope technologies to Einstein and the wider research community.

Primary Investigators

GLBC investigators use photonics based assays to work on a wide range of biological projects. Projects include characterizing the dynamics of single molecules within living cells, developing new fluorescent proteins and biosensors, investigating the role of macrophages in chronic inflammatory disease, studying cancer progression and dormancy within whole animals, and validating biomarkers of metastasis for clinical use.

The Innovation Laboratory (IL)

The IL is located in state-of-the-art, environmentally controlled laboratories in the Forchheimer Medical Science Building, the Golding Building and the Price Center for Genetic and Translational Medicine/Block Research Pavilion. The IL develops novel software and instrumentation to address the needs of individual investigators' research. Development projects in the IL include a two-laser multiphoton microscope, a multiphoton FCS microscope, a high-speed single molecule detection microscope, and a fast switching multichannel TIRF microscope.

The Analytical Imaging Facility (AIF)

The AIF is an equipment resource for trained microscopists and offers a completely assisted technical support service for infrequent users. The facility offers advanced optical and electron microcopy services (including sample preparation) on a fee-for-service basis to the center, as well as to biomedical scientists with all levels of expertise at both Einstein and other research institutions. The AIF also makes technologies developed in the IL available to the research community. AIF instruments include widefield microscopes optimized for live cell imaging, point scanning multiphoton and confocal microscopes, digital whole slide scanners, and super-resolution microscopes.