Conflict of Interest

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Conflict of Interest (COI)?

Conflict of Interest can occur when individuals involved in academic activities (research or teaching) have financial or other secondary interests from which they might personally benefit depending on the results of the research, or which might bias educational presentations. COI also may occur in clinical or administrative situations.

How do I access the Conflict of Interest Disclosure System?
You must be a registered user to gain access to the COI Risk Manager system, If you are not a registered user, i.e., there is a blank screen when you attempt to access the system, please contact the COI office at to establish your account.

How is Conflict of Interest identified?

All individuals involved in the academic, clinical or administrative activities of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine must submit COI disclosure forms in which they identify any financial or other interests that may create COI. An explanation of the relationship of any reported interest to the individual's activities must be provided.  Disclosure forms are reviewed by the COI Committee.

How is Conflict of Interest handled?

Should potential COI be identified the COI Committee will establish a plan to manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict. This plan is conveyed in writing to the involved individuals and to their supervisors.

Who must complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form?

Einstein faculty members and investigators are required to disclose all financial interest (FI) and relationships to external entities that may be pertinent to their Einstein related research. Additionally, the financial interest of a related party (spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child) must also be disclosed.

An Investigator is defined as an individual who is independently responsible for the design, conduct, outcome, or reporting of research, regardless of title, position, or salary support.

Why do I have to complete a Disclosure Form each year?

Albert Einstein College of Medicine is committed to ensure that the academic, clinical, and administrative activities of staff, students and faculty all are accomplished at the highest level of ethical conduct, free of Conflict of Interest. As such, Investigators engaged in PHS-funded research or human subjects research (regardless of funding) must submit COI disclosures on at least an annual basis.

However, a COI disclosure is considered up to date if it is submitted within six (6) months of the COI review date.

Why do I have to complete a Disclosure Form in relation to academic 'events'

Academic 'events' include grant submission, research protocol review, participation in an educational course or program, etc. When these occur, updated disclosure is required to determine whether any new or changed interest may create possible COI.

How can I determine whether a personal or family interest must be disclosed?

With respect to academic activities, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine adheres to the disclosure requirements established by the US Department of Health and Human Services with respect to federally-funded research. In the event of any uncertainty, individuals should contact the COI Office 718.430.2237 or

What criteria pertain to COI in clinical settings?

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine works closely with its clinical affiliates, each of which has established and published COI policies. Links to these policies can be found on the Einstein COI website.

What do I do if I think a policy is being violated?

Any individual concerned that an undisclosed conflict may exist or that a published policy is being violated should contact the COI Office (718-430-2237) or  Such communications or reports will be managed confidentially.